What's a reasonable listening position response curve?

Taking room accoustics into account, what is an acceptable frequency response curve? What plus and minus dB is considered acceptable? Can you share yours.


Yes, that to me wouldn’t be very listenable, to hot in the high frequencies. I prefer a curve like Katz described, fairly flat to 1khz then a slope to 20khz very similar to the Harman curve without the bass boost. Of course it's also speaker dependent above 500hz it's mainly the speaker in control , you need a good speaker that measures flat in an anechoic chamber. 

Too true. I was looking more at the ripples of the overall frequency response as a way to understand acceptable variations.

I don't understand the statement that sound quality is 110% determined by frequency response.

That's impossible.

Even if we accept 110% is used as an alternative to "absolutely 100%" the statement is wrong as sound quality is far more than just frequency response.

I also don't agree with the statement maximum tolerable variance is at most +/- 0.05dB, and I would go .01 just to be sure. Might be good with amplifiers, but not for speakers and certainly not for listening position.

From our favourite protagonist/antagonist? Wind him up and he nuts you.

Most amplifiers go to 10. So when they're playing and they need a little extra, where do they go? Nowhere. That's why ours go to 11.


If this doesn't clear it up for you remember the immortal words of Bruce Dickenson: