Adcom GFP-555 II

I have had this pre-amp for maybe 30 years paired with two GFA-555s the input/listening switch has static into the left channel intermittently and needs to be wiggled back and forth to eliminate the static. Is this easy to replace? Need soldering to replace? Does anyone know of a good repair shop in the Phoenix area?



Fix it first, then sell or trade it in. There is a kind of cult following with Adcom. Plus, it is an inexpensive way to get some good equipment. 

Thanks any desired pre amps for 2 gfa 555s with some big Polk and yamaha speakers you recommend?

Tech3149…Did the deoxit and no more static! Thanks … I see what you meant about the mechanical switch and slide ribbon now… bought this new in 1989. Not sure if I should use the main or bypass output. Is the sound much cleaner on bypass?