High Sensitivity, high / flat impedance Speaker Shopping

I am  in the market for a new pair of high sensitivity / high-flat impedance curve speakers with a nominal impedance of 8 ohms or greater. 1st order crossover, highly dampened woofer, etc.

I'm researching Devore Super 9's and Coincident Super Victory III.

Anyone owning or hearing either (or similar), would appreciate your input.

My current speakers are Sonist Concerto 4, Genertaion 2, driven by 30 Watt P/Pull Class "A" (mostly) EL34 (Ars Sonus Filarmonia,  with Jupiur Copper Foil / Bees Wax coupling caps)

Front baffles of speakers are approx 5' from front wall, 9' apart tweeter to tweeter, 3' from side wall (center of tweeter to side wall.  I sit 10 to 12 feet from front baffle of speaker. Opens up to kitchen behind where I sit, about 22 feet to wall behind my seat.  So basically the entire area is 15' wide X 37' long, speakers on the narrower wall (15')

I have purchased a LTA ZOTL 40 Integrated W/ EL34 Mullard tube upgrade. The LTA will be the primary amp in the new set-up.

With exception to Volti, Spatial, Zu, Tekton, PAP, Klipsch (previously considered) Your suggestion of a speaker currently in production would be welcome.




Don’t know what your budget is, but Verity Audio would be really worth a look.  Also 3M, both from Canada and really great speakers. 


Thnxs for the suggestions

Right now I am at $11,500 with the Coincidence



Yeah, take a look at Verity.  One of the five best speakers I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot.  They are one of the few brands I’d categorize as truly special, but at this level you gotta listen for yourself anyway.  Best of luck. 



Which model would you recommend for my size room model. 

Forgot to mention; eight foot ceilings