It's a lot easier to stick your head in the sand, until it's not.
Ignorance is Bliss, maybe....maybe not.
Time will tell.
@oldhvymec Salt n pepper goes with everything 🤣
It's a lot easier to stick your head in the sand, until it's not. Ignorance is Bliss, maybe....maybe not. Time will tell. @oldhvymec Salt n pepper goes with everything 🤣
Right there with you on that Global warming nonsense 👍
PS: I knew this old guy, he worked in the merchant navy in Europe in the late 1930’s. He saw Germany and the Brits getting ready for war, weapons being shipped all across Europe, tanks etc etc. He tried telling his family that war was coming and of course they thought he was out of his effin mind. Long story short, his entire family died in the conflict, and he was the only survivor. Doom and gloom predictions are by nature, very doomy and very gloomy, they are not fun ✌