Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Too bad though because it really is the great unknown as to the level of improvement in sound quality it can provide.

Grounding is really important so naturally it can affect sound quality quite a lot. But I was not kidding that if your equipment employs a proper grounding scheme, an external 'grounding box' will not offer any benefit whatsoever.


Thank you and I respect your opinion, but I consider it just your opinion and not actual experience.


Hi Ozzie,

I’ve been following both this thread and your post on WBF and from what I’ve understood from Peter is he stated multiple gauge silver to achieve a 15 g and that’s what I have been playing with along with different gauges to come to 15 g along with silver binding post and silver spades, next will be silver rca,s,


I think the key is to use multiple small g wire to achieve the 15 g due to its small signal .


I agree with you on separating digital and analog , each component has its own box I even have a separate box for chassis ground.


Thank you for that information. I have also found that different lengths can change the equation as to gauge size.

Right now, I have noticed that if I connect my mono blocks to the same grounding box, and if I press my ear up close to one speaker, I can hear a faint noise. But if I separate the amps to 2 different grounding boxes there is zero noise.

I have also noticed some other very interesting changes that sometimes defy "my" logic.



Interesting observation on cable length , I have a lot of different lengths and notice no change and with my amp, I have both the binding post grounded to separate boxes as will has rca to its own box and I hear zero noise from my speakers.