@tomic: I’m keeping the NAD D3020, but the analog input doesn’t work anymore for some reason. Only the digital input works. So I was using my iPad connected directly to the USB port which fed into the internal DAC of the NAD integrated amp. I was happy with that set up for a while, but then I wanted to try a better DAC. I ended up getting the SMSL SU-9 DAC which seemed to be a good value for what was offered. But then I needed a new amp because the NAD didn’t accept analog input. I kind of randomly chose the SMSL DA-9 amp because it stacks nicely with the SU-9 DAC. But the DA-9 amp is not that powerful. 50wpc at 8 ohms, 90wpc at 4 ohms. Prob should have spent more time looking for a better amp. But ce la vie.
@audioman58: the amp is SMSL DA9. 50wpc@8 ohms, 90wpc@4.
@leemaze: I’ve considered combining the two but I prefer a separate system for just listening to music. The home theater set up is in kind of a side nook for lower light due to a projection screen. If I ever move to a larger house where I can have a dedicated AV room for music and movies, I would love to get the Wharfedale Elysian 4 though.