Need help choosing Sonus Faber Sonetto V or VIII, what amp?

We are putting together a new system and are not hi-fi experts. We have narrowed down speakers to the Sonus Faber Sonetto line, V or VII. We auditioned and ruled out Focal, B&W, Dynaudio due to them being too bright (that was with tube amps). Our room is 16’ by 24, listening area 16’ by 16’, we are aimed into the corner with a corner tv and stereo set up. The room is open design, LR, DR, then kitchen jutting off from DR into L shape. 8’ ceilings. Speakers would be about 10’ apart facing long side wall, not the back of the room. So angled in the room.

We listen to orchestra rock (S. Brightman, Moody Blues), big band (Buble, vintage and current big band), Jazz (Methany, Weather Report), Blues (Beth Hart, Room full of Blues, etc), and some easy stuff, like female vocalists (Julia Fordham). We like robust, orchestrated music with complexity, and then simple stuff.

Is the Sonetto V sufficient, or do we need the VIII? We do not want a subwoofer.

And then what amp? We are being advised McIntosh MA252 or the Rogue Audio Sphinx or Cronus Mag III - the dealers seem to really like these. They are all in our budget, which is somewhere around 10k +/-.

Then there is the cables, how much should we really spend here?

(PS: my ears cannot take the brightness of many speakers we heard, my wife has too many parrots I guess, which are now in a different room).

Appreciate the input and experience, thanks.


If not using a sub, I would go with the Sonetto VIII.  SF doesn't rate bass extension that much deeper with the VIII than the V, but I would want that extra woofer without a sub being in use.  I heard the VIII and they should be better able to fill a large space like yours.

There are some other highly-regarded integrateds out there well within your budget.  I’ll mention the Octave v70SE and Audio Hungary Qualition, neither of which will likely trigger any brightness issues but will bring your SFs into full song with lots of tube goodness.  Personally I’d take either of these over the Mac or Rogue in a heartbeat, but that’s me. Best of luck. 

The MA252 is a solid state amp with a tube preamp.  I believe that may end up being a little less maintenance over the long term vs an all tube setup.  I mention this because you stated you are new to this.  
As for cables you should be looking at entry level cables from maybe Kimber, Audioquest or even Blue Jeans.  Nothing crazy needed for those pieces.   What’s your source? 

Had a 252 in my old system and sold it and went Pathos Classic One MK3.

AH Qualiton is on a whole other level. I have the X200 and it is delightful.