Looking for speaker wire (bi-wired) suggestions for two types of speakers

I have two types of speakers (both bi-wired) that I use in my audio systems that are used with a solid state amp and a tube preamp, listen to both vinyl and cd's and all types of music. Prices not to exceed $2,000.00 for an 8.0 ft. biwired pair.

One speaker pair are the Usher Mini-Diamond 2's circa 2017 

The other speaker pair are the Eminent Technology LFT-8b'S brand new


some manufacturers will sell you an identical pair of jumpers very inexpensively if you are buying the full length pair...

I have both a single run of AZ Satori and shotgun, and I prefer the shotgun versus the single run with good jumpers by a good margin.  But that’s in my system with my speakers so YMMV.  Just my experience FWIW. 

You would notice the biggest difference if you went to horizontal bi-amping instead of bi-wiring. Good wires are similar unless we are talking solid silver wires.

Good wires are similar unless we are talking solid silver wires.

Uh, what?

I just replaced my MIT AVT-1 bi-wire with JPS labs Ultra conductor 2 bi-wire.  The noise floor dropped and the bass response improved.  The bass seems to go a little deeper and the individual notes are more apparent.  I've had the MIT cables for over 5 years and always felt they were fine.  I put the JPS labs cables in and immediately heard the difference.  I went with JPS because over the years I have changed all my other cables to JPS and was curious if the speaker cables would make a positive difference.  I'm not sure what the MSRP on the JPS speaker cables are since I bought them used, but they should be in your budget.