Dear @senza : Exist several vintage TTs that not only even the vintage Technics SP10MK3 but that outperformed as: Final Paruthenon, Goldmund Reference, Rockport Sirius, Exclusive P3A by Pioneer, Micro Seiki Sz-1TVS, Thorens Reference, Yamaha GT 2000X , Kenwood, etc, etc.
The today Technics motor is a better design that the vintage SP10MK because the SP-10R is a coreless motor design that's new in Technics TT.
SP-10R needs a plinth and out there are Technics plinth manufacturers that can help any buyer and their plinths are just great and custom made .
But TT is only one important part in the analog rig and when we are talking of this kind of level quality the tonearm/cartridge of choice is extremely critical, especially the tonearm that must be the one that can help for the cartridges shows at its best because from there is generated the MUSIC audio signal and the next step is probably more important and that is the phonolinepreamp where that MUSIC audio signal is proccessed in a really " tortuose " overall proccess that unfortunatelly at each single step inside that proccess the sensitive, valuable and critical MUSIC audio signal will be degraded through added distortions of every kind. So the choice of this audio item is way important too because we need the unit that makes/does the less harm to that MUSIC audio signal.