Lite DAC modified...16 bit NOS, yep no jitter issues for me, why Don't know? Its called the Dac Ah-Ha, its a few Steps beyond the Audio mirror that everyone raves about, but is the same base architecture of the audio mirror... Biggest reason it totally sounds analog, and has rock bottom bass with tube like mids.. Also for the price it is simply stupid when you hear some of the bigger costlier contenders, I really mean that, cause I was caught up in the whole, get a Dac from Levinson, Wadia, Etc... I have gone the route of the 24 bit, the SACD, The DVD-A for about 2 years.. And found a very Strong return to an Analog Table, and 16 bit NOS with all the quality parts loaded into it.. Music in the Ipod world only goes so far. Its very different when you can listen to your CD's even the ones you wish you could love the recording but know its not an impressive demo piece for when the friends come over.. Well this DAC has eliminated that problem :)