Why I'm not adding a sub to my 2-way monitors for music


I've updated my blog post with more data, more analysis and the conclusion that in my particular case I do not need a subwoofer.  I encourage everyone who is on the fence about adding a subwoofer or not to read and comment.  I think that either way you'll be able to make more informed buying and configuration choices.

Everyone's situation is different but I hope the post helps you get to the right conclusions.



Dear @erik_squires : You are rigth and we need to remember that all audio items choices come with its trade-offs and is up to us to choose the best trade-offs for each one of us.


Something I learned is that in any room/system what determines the overall quality performance level belongs how good is its bass range  and as better the room/system bass range as better that room/system quality performance.



Here how I got a great bass from mediocre Triangle Signatures. 

1. Buy Luxman 120A vintage amp and connect it to the bass speaker posts

2. Connect Maven receiver to the mid-hi speaker posts

3. Use receiver Pre out to connect to Luxman.

Drive speakers with both amplifiers and use volume on Luxman as tone control for bass. Triangles came alive as if by magic. They really start to rock and jazz never sounded so good. At some passages they bass was reverberating in my sofa floor and you can feel it with your 80% liquid body.

I highly recommend it.

Quick update on my addition of an SVS Micro 3000 to my M30.1 system. 

I speak for myself in my living room with my equipment.  LR is maybe 17 x 13 and I have the Harbeth's about 24" from the back wall, with the sub in between the speakers, closer to the right speaker but in the same plane as both.   I think I mentioned before that I use an Innuous Zen Mk3 streaming qobuz into an MHDT Orchid DAC into a Pass INT-25 integrated which feeds the speakers and the sub.  The sub is connected to the speaker outputs of the Pass by the use of a speaker to line level attenuator.  Kent English from Pass helped with this solution (so did SVS tech support).  I would rather have used lower level line outputs but that option was not available.  

It integrates just fine :-).  I played with some of the settings (volume, low pass filter, parametric EQ mainly) and came up with what I found works for me.  Easy to hear a very positive difference in "palpability" of my music (mainly acoustic, old rock, jazz).  The sub makes for a more "complete" performance.  Depth. Bigger soundstage. 

It's a fine addition to my system. I like it a lot and it was not very challenging to do by ear.  

@steveashe  thanks for sharing your experience with the SVS Micro 3000.  Can you share more about what you compared it to and why you chose the SVS?  Given your Pass Int-25 and the limitations connecting to a sub, I would have thought a REL or similar sub with speaker connections would have been an easier option.  What tipped you towards the Micro?  I’m actively shopping for a new sub and Micro is on the short list.

I didn't do much research.  I had been thinking about adding a sub for a while when I happened upon Herb Reichert Stereophile review of the SVS Micro 3000 w/ M30.2's.  It just seemed to be a good match so I didn't look much further.  I did consider the KEF KC62 for a moment (I think that's the model, their small sub) but it was almost double the price.