DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R

I have a general question, I am looking to buy my first standalone DAC, right now I have an Azur 851N, which is a streamer/DAC. As I look I continue to see discussions on Delta-Sigma vs R2R DACs.

I am in no way an audio expert nor do I have a good understanding of electronics.

In Laymen terms, Could anybody explain what is the difference between the 2 technologies?



@mod_asored  Tons of good advice so far, my only add in is look at DAC connections and get something that has I2S and USB inputs if possible. It's always good to have options. I would love to get an R2R DAC for my second system.

Happy hunting! 

Sorry to waylay this thread but New Year Wish.

Bricasti releases a stand alone M21 ladder DAC at a reasonable price (M3 price?)

R2R dacs can use either discrete resistors or resistors located in a chip. I prefer discrete resistors.

I have learned more from this thread than my goggle search's, Thanks,

I should have provided more info, my bad, sorry..

Budget: somewhere around $1500


- Cambridge Azur 851N Streamer

- Rogue perseus magnum peramp (good nos tubes)

- Rogue st-100 (also nos small tubes) amp

- Gravesen 3WC-15 speakers, the speakers are amazing and it is what has me upgrading

So I do have alot of tubes to get rid of the harshness, most of my listening is acoustics, mild rock, jazz, indie, lots of female vocals. I listen 50% Qubuz and 50% from my NAS.

I think my next big step up is a good dac and I think it is not a good time for an integrated streamer as DAC's seem to be making big strides and there is going to be a lot of changes in the streaming software coming due to DAC improvements.

So I am looking for a good standalone DAC that will last me a long time.

My biggest challenge is there are not many audio stores in my area and the ones here are very limited with DAC's. Therefore, I may need to do mfg trial periods and I think it is unfair to the manufacturers to do it as a fishing expedition so I want to be very sure with the one(s) I try out.

r2r dacs have been around for ever. The thing that makes the better today than they have ever been is the resisters are better with closer tolerances and the rest of the technology that goes into them is better. Chip dacs can be extremely cheap or extremely expensive and everything in between. The electronics that a company adds can make the same chip sound the way they want.

So all and all it’s your ears and your wallet that make your decision of what kind of dac you get.

All the best with your hunt.