Synergistic ECTs

I’m liking what the purple fuses do so much that I decided to look into SR's other stuff. Now I’ve got a set of ECTs on the way. Can’t wait to try them out. I'll probably use most of them on my DAC, but I think I'll try one on my Apple TV box, as well.

Who else uses them?


Ok lets speculate then … How does a thumb nail size cylinder of metal alloy with a void milled into one end elicit Any physical effect upon :

” I ended up putting 3 in my DAC, one on the D/A chip, one near the fuse, and one near the output tube (12AU7). I also put one on my digital cable at the transport side, and one on the wall plug feeding my CPT power conditioner “

Some will not consider a product because a thorough scientific explanation of how it works is not provided. 

I can't recall anyone asking for a thorough explanation, just an explanation that makes at least a little bit of sense.  I can't translate word salads.

“ECTs clean up high frequency noise that otherwise distort harmonic structures within the music signal.”

Clean up?  Look, I'm sure that audiophiles could cope with something just a little bit more precise than that, surely, after all, see the words that follow.

What aspect of HF "noise" distorts harmonic structures?  Is that white noise?  Ultrasonic noise >20khz?  But its within the music signal, so within the audible range, so strike that.

Its not the science that is proprietary, it is the technology or invention that captures it.

Did Kevin Deal write that blurb?

Much like the HFT's, perhaps the ECT's are negating resonances at specific frequencies. The cancelation may result in a blacker background. It almost seems more rational at an electronic level than the range of frequencies seen by an HFT across your room boundaries. This is why I may be blabbering nonsense because in that theory, wouldn't an HFT need to be substantially larger or is it intended just for the highest of frequencies that influence ambiance?


I really have no idea how or why they work, other than what SR says. What I do know is that they most definitely do work in my system. As a consumer/hobbyist what else do I really need to know? If I was a competitor trying to make a similar product, I'd be much more interested in explanation.

Just got in another set of ECTs, and they have taken my system to yet another level. They may not have a lot of buzz or current reviews, but they certainly work as advertised in my system, and are a great value for the money.