The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Chiming in, maybe not adding much to the discussion;

I made a bunch of cable evaluations this week and reached a major improvement level but not finished quite yet. Once I hit this week's new level, I was awaiting my Purple fuse so I inserted an Audio Magic SHD beeswax I had in the parts bin and was surprised how good it "sounded". So my expectations were higher that maybe the 'fuse thing' will add improvement. Last night I received the Purple and threw it right in and it sounds slightly different but still nice given one hour of use.

I cannot use the AM SHD long term as it is a 6.8 amp rating and this piece of gear only requires a 1 amp SB or 2 amp std blow. Alfred backed me up if the 1 amp were to blow but it did not, so I'm good to go.

Logically, it makes sense that if we can get more of the electrical pulse/wave to move freely through the choke point, we should have sound that the electronics are fully capable of generating. Much like getting the 'right' cabling in place and hearing how your speakers actually play like $30k speakers instead of $5k speakers now that they are unleashed.

All good things.

I did not have any impact from a FEQ and 15 HFTs last week, but I gave it a shot. Overall, "Tweak week" turned out pretty good for me with the new cabling and fuse so I'm happy with the improvements. 

Yes finding the right cable combination and then adding a SR purple fuse will a greater impact. 

Dear Moderator, why did you cancel my previous post answering Ted about P12 model in Europe?

So sorry if I did not respect any rukes here, just tell me which one in particulare from the reason that my post were surely not





Profanity content


thank you, my aim is to understand where I was wrong.



You most likely did nothing wrong.

Sometimes posts just arbitrarily disappear.

Try reposting, it ought to stay.

Thank you, I was afraid some misunderstanding occurred. Phew!

The disappeared post was date 30th dec, unfortunately I have forgotten the whole content. Anyway I tried to explain to Ted that EU version of the PS Audio P12 gear has a 3A fuse recommended from manufacturer, so lots of customer in Europe (and maybe Asia) would be happy if a 3A Purple fuse will be on production from SR.

Hope that helps.