Integrated Amp for Spora

Looking for a SS Integrated that would tame/ warm up the beryllium tweeter of Spora.  Dealer recommended Macintosh or Hegel. Are these equally warm?  Any other contenders? 


Normally I would say Naim but their integrated (Supernait 3) may not be high enough end for what you are looking for.  The Uniti Nova would be a good choice if you are looking for an all-in-one.  Naim and Focal are same company and focal is voiced using Naim amps. 


There are tons of integrated's that will do the job though. 

I would look at the AVM OvationA6.2ME.  It has plenty of power, can handle the low impedance and Herb Reichert gave it a great review a few months ago and Stereophile gives this unit and A rating.  It is warm and sweet.  You will get nice tight bass as this will not struggle to drive them which can be an issue with some tube amps.

I have used the 5.2 integrated with Sopra 1s, Vivid Kaya 45s, Perlisten S4bs and a variety of other low impedance speakers and it matches well.  The 6.2ME is just more refined as it is AB with a MOSFET output stage rather than Class D with a tube input stage.  

There are a million others.  Mark Levinson, Boulder, Aesthetix, Luxman, Sugden, Pass, Rogue, etc...  Everyone is going to have their favorites.  All will do well with small differences in flavor.    I am biased in favor of SS/Hybrid Class D with Focal due to the lower impedance requirements.  

Full disclosure, I am a dealer for Naim, AVM and Hegel but there are obviously lots of other dealers.  Good luck.  

Curveball time... :)  How about this?  This would make your Focal Sopras sing pretty good.  

It is located here...

While vintage Levinson amps are stupendous even now, if a buyer does not choose wisely, then one will be out a few thousand bucks to recap/refurbish the amp, but George Meyer, an authorized Levinson repair shop, has already refurb'd this fine amp.  Physically, it's in really nice shape too, but it's the sound, the depth, the separation, and the musicality of this amp which is gripping for me.  In any case, it's just something for you to ponder, that's all.