Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?

Any experiences? Prestige is great, but SE edition is amazing. Difference is remarkable. I think it has almost all. Great transparency, analog like musicality and high resolution. I have not heard anything like this from digital player before. Can any single box player really challenge this? Let me know your opinions.
Audiooracle is Dave Lalin of, a new company out of Jersey City, New Jersey.

According to his nothing web site (it's been under construction for 8 months), he is a dealer for ADA, Algolith, Anthem, ATM, Audience Power Conditioners, Audioquest, Butler Audio, Canton, Conextion, Consonance, DK Designs, Elac, Escalante Designs, Genlec, Harmonic Technology, James Loudspeakers, JVC Projectors, Leon Plasma Partners, Linn Classik, Modwright, NAD, NuForce, Primare, Remiyo, Richard Gray Power Company, Sonnateer, Synergistic Research Cable, Truaudio, Usher Audio

He has stated in other posts that he is also a dealer for Acoustic Zen, Antique Sound Labs, Black Diamond, Dali, Dehavilland, Cayin, Cary, Edge, Manley, Plinius and Vincent.

His strong recommendations for Audio Aero in numerous posts make me suspect he also stocks these, though I can't find a reference. Audiofeil, do you know for sure?

The problem is that Audiooracle is a very savvy audiophile with years of experience, and often gives very good advice. Amongst this advice he normally ends up recommending something he carries, although not always (BAT). Sometimes he says he is a dealer, but mostly he does not. If he recommends one of the brands I have listed, it would be impossible to take that advice as being unbiased. Keep that in mind.

How are we to deal with these posters?

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There is a new player that has captured my attention and may be one of the best players ever built!The AMR cd player retails for 8000.00 and uses some of the best parts;the transport,dac ,and output tubestage are custom made for this player.It has a build quality that is top shelf and is a gorgeuos to look at.I am using a highly modded Wadia dac and trans wired directly to my amp,but this player may have me considering getting a preamp or Ultimate attenuators just so I can hear this new monster.Apparently,Darren says that it beats every player he has heard and these include DCS,Zanden,Essoteric,Wadia,Reimyo.My friend in Vancouver is going down to CES to hear this payer and may buy one if it is as analog as Darren says it is.This player looks on the website as a technology tour de force since it addesses every facit of digital.Good hunting Dennis
how can a component have high resolution, transparency and musicality ? musicality is a term refering to the qualities of instruments, mainly timbre and harmonics.

a component can't have transparency and musicality as the latter implies coloration and the former implies a lack of coloration.

i will try to explain. suppose a recording has been equalized, creating gross inaccuracy of timbre. when played back on a transparent component, the inaccurate timbre will be evident. if the component is "musical", the timbre of the instrument may sound closer to the real thing. certainly, the timbre of the instrument will sound different when played through a component which has "musicality", compared to another which is transparent.

by the way, "bloom" is a quality usuually associated with musicality but not with trasnparency.
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