Transmission line speakers!

Hi group,

I just pulled the trigger on a mint pair of Falcon speakers. They are a transmission line design. I don’t see many speakers using transmission line. Does anyone here have any experience pro or con with this type of design? BTW, I have always liked sealed type speakers over ported speakers!

Thanks much!


@oldhvymec , I used to have a pair of those WTLC's.....long ago, far away...

The only objection, which took awhile to comprehend as to Why. was the Walsh supertweet on top, often referred to as the 'ice cream cone'...

Having corresponded with the one who worked on the prototypes literally on the kitchen table when @ Infinity, they were a bit of a lark.  Inf. had an agreement with Ohm of that era to use the concept...

My biggest observation/objection is the the cone is upside down; given the height, the Walsh only came into play when you sat on the floor about 6~8' away.  And, even then, the top corners of the TL cabinet appeared to 'get in the way'....

'Space and spacing finicky', and could have used a sub.  An active xover and tri-amping  as well, not practical at the time.

Pleasant until 'pushed', then over it's head so to speak. Replaced w/ESS AMT 1B's.

One of the reasons I play with Walsh drivers, tho'....with a somewhat different approach.... ;)

Thanks for the memory lane pic....*S*

Happy Post-New Year to you 'n all y'all...

*sigh* "It's the end of the 'bot jokes as we knew them, and I feel defined..." *L* least the veneer on that pair is just as bland as what was on my pair....

Arnie liked being 'cutting edge', but apparently had issues over spending for it...


"All of My 'ports' are fixed....and a good thing, too...." *L* ;)

Spouse claims I talk out of my 'stern' port, but I point out it's kinda' 'one note'... which, "Precisely!" is the refrain.....;)

Your results likely vary, to some degree....

@roxy54 not to nitpick but the oval KEF bass driver is the B-139. I worked at a KEF dealer and we had a speaker business as well w subcontract EE help and our own FFT and importantly ears to custom design transmission line  ( and other alignments ). The B-139 was a favorite for that duty as every TL requires “ trimming “ and KEF drivers had “ pretty tight “ tolerances for the day. We did a few B-200 in a TL and the Infinity Watkins 10” worked well in a “ poor mans HQD ala Levinson / Quad ESL system. We also carried Infinity ;-) no comment but sometimes advertisements get out in front of reality..but i confess to NOT dissembling every model, we had them all except IRS. Another dealer i worked at carried Freid / IMF and for tge $ or £ those were some impressive boxes…. fun thread…

Now, there are some advantages to a tapered TL alignment for the B-110 driver…ala KEF Cantata as i recall but…2 lazy to go look at the  B-110 file… a great mid for sure