@russellrcncom If installation is a necessary feature for you, check with local shops and see if they install cartridges they do not sell or if they only offer that service on their own sales. Most would be willing to do it for a small fee. Honestly it isn't a difficult task so long as you're being careful and willing to tinker with it to make it perfect. Shouldn't take but maybe an hour tops for the main swap and setup.
@paulgardner that price seems to be the going rate for those cartridges. There's one on usaudiomart right now for that price as well. I bought mine through Osage Audio last year when I contacted him looking for a Benz Micro Ace L and was upsold into the Zebra. After the first needle drop I called him and thanked him for talking me into moving up the line. Also Benz has one of the best trade-in offers out there if you aren't going to get just a re-tip. I think it's something like $1200 or so for a new Zebra L when you trade in an old used up one. My guess with that is they don't like the idea of people rebuilding their cartridges and want to encourage factory replacements. It's similar to the auto industry making it quite difficult to work on your own car for any damage or repair.