Odd Revel Performa M20 Question ?

Received today a pair of Revel M20. One of the intriguing aspects of these speakers was that each speaker (according to specifications) weighed 45 lbs, or 20.4 kg. Unusually heavy for speakers of this size. Specs for packaged shipping weight is 48 lbs., each.

When I received the FedEx tracking info over the weekend, the packaged weight for both speakers was listed at 74.7 lbs. Speakers were sent in two separate boxes....original boxes and original packing materials.... one weighing 37.8 lbs. the other 36.9 lbs.

This caught my attention and I thought maybe a misread from the shipping origin. On receiving the speakers today at FedEx, I put one box on the scale and it read 37.8 lbs. Got home, removed the speakers from boxes and weighed again on a bathroom scale. One speaker weighed ~ 36 lbs, without grilles and without feet.

Hooked up the speakers and they sound good. I'll need some time before deciding if I like them.

So my question, hopefully to those actually owning the Performa M20, what do your speakers weigh? Hard to imagine that a manufacturer's specification could miss by nearly 10 lbs.
The M20 likely went though the same mid production changes as it's bigger brother, my floor standing F50's dropped nearly sixteen pounds each from the original. This was nearly ten years ago, when I asked Revel why they lightened the speaker they were very evasive but eventually conceded that it was a cost cutting measure, they assured me the cabinet was equally as rigid as the original.
Pretty much all the speakers in the original Performa and Ultima line were stand outs. Kevin Voecks was commissioned to build a state of the art speaker line with unmatched timbral accuracy, and backed with the nearly unlimited resources of Harman did just that.
The only time the weight of a speaker became a buying decission for me is if they were too heavy.

Wino might as well sell his M20s now. Every time he tries to enjoy music through them the sound will be a little light.

Excuse me while I go dyno the engine in my car.
Yea Rrog,and when you go pay for a gallon of gas and only get 3 quarts no biggie...
Wino, Did you buy your speakers by the pound like hamburger or did you buy them for their sound? It seems strange that there are so many products in high end audio that are promoted by obvious lies yet you have decided to make an example of a legitimate company producing an overachieving product.