DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000

What are the current top DAC choices in the approximately $5-$7K price range (new or used) that I should look at as possible upgrades to my current Metrum Adagio?  Having an on-board volume control is not a factor as I can operate my system either way.   If I wanted to spend more I would look at Totaldac, Rockna Wavedream Signature, or one of the other top-end contenders, but I selected the price range to achieve a sound quality that is consistent with the rest of my system and because I don't want to spend more due to the still evolving nature of digital technology.  I do like the more natural sound (to my ears) of NOS R2R DACs.  So far, I have considered the three below, but none seem to be a slam-dunk upgrade from the Adagio, which still sounds pretty good in my system.  The decision is complicated by having to "buy to try" so that I can hear one in my system.  Maybe now is not the time for an upgrade.  Any thoughts?

  • Denafrips Terminator w/DSP board - Reportedly has the full body/dense tone type of sound I like, but also has a high'ish output impedance 
  • Holo May KTE - Reportedly measures great for an R2R DAC and has strong reviews 
  • Rockna Wavelight - Some reviewers like it but others put it in the middle of the pack for the price

Interesting @starboard . The reviewers do not always get it right for whatever reason. Jason Kennedy has been reviewing for a long time and I believe he was with HiFi+ prior to The Ear. Here is another positive review by Part-Time Audiophile.

Thank you for the clarification and for sharing your comparison with the Mystique v3. Mike at Tweek Geek is a good guy to deal with and if I was looking for a DAC, having a home trial is a great way to go.

Hi @mitch2 there are so many wonderful dacs out there and while a great deal is system dependent and which input is used vs which one is optimized vs which one is optimized for our specific systems, aren't we all fortunate to be enjoying hifi today!


To echo @starboard , I own a Merason Dac1 ( I also own a Merason Frerot in my office system). It is quite the performer and I recently read the Ear review and thought "holy crud, what was he listening to? What he described in the review wouldn’t have lasted one track in my system. To further compound the confusion, the Merason Dac1 made their Best Hifi Components of 2021 list. The two digital products on the list were the Merason Dac1 and the Melco N10. Oh well, reviews are data points for our research rather than answers to a question. I am a former owner of Totaldac D1 Tube mkii, Nagra Classic Dac, Chord Dave, Lampizator Golden Atlantic, Aqua La Scala Optologic and most recently, a MSB Discrete Dac with ProUSB and the dual outboard power supply option.


Is the dac1 better than all of these? Well, I guess I would have to say no...but here is the context, both price and performance...no dac is better than all comers. I have found that the dacs I enjoy most are the ones where they are strong at what they are strong at while committing the least sins in those other areas. The mystiques, MSB’s, Totaldacs, etc are all terrific...the Merason Dac 1 belongs in the conversation IMO. I have another dac I own which is also exceptional but it doesn’t fit the price band of this conversation. The best news of all?....we are getting perilously close to a time when a really fine dac can become a long term occupant of a shelf in your systems. My thought process was always "something better will be out in a few years so buy knowing that fact....I no longer feel that way. Its not like next year that a dac will come out and make you feel like your old dac was broken....LOL...20 years ago, that was not the case.


Be well all....



Hi All,

I was so impressed with my used Mystique DAC that I ordered a new EVO 4B4, which I received in mid-November; so I have been using it for about two months.

It took a while to break in and, at first, I thought I might have made a mistake. The EVO was immediately a bit more detailed and nuanced to me compared to the Mystique but the musicality was not there. The musicality has shown up after the first 100 hours along with what I would call liquidity; a term I have never used before to describe how my system sounds. The other thing I have noticed is that there is a better decay, which provides more sheen to the cymbals and a ring to the guitar if it is on the recording. Overall, the sound is generally better than it was with the Mystique.

The Mystique was a game changer for me as it was that much better than my old DACs. The EVO 4B4 is more of an incremental improvement on all fronts. I suspect that this relates to the old adage that you get what you pay for but there are diminshing returns.

My personal opinion based on keeping the same amp, speakers, transport, etc.; is that there is a price/quality relationship at the less than $2000, $2000 to $5000, and $5000 to $10000 price levels for DACs. This is my perspective based on my personal experience with my gear and the synergy (or not) of my components.

Thanks for listening,







I have been comparing a fully burned Merason Dac 1 to my Mojo Audio Evo. Tony of Ellington Hifi provided me with a trial unit. Let me state that Tony is a great guy and A+ dealer!

So my wife and I have been comparing both dacs over the past 5 days. The Dac 1 has been playing music 24/7 over these 5 days. I should point out that even though the Dac 1 had many hours on it, I found it needed a full 36 hours of playtime to settle into my system. No additional sonic changes after 36 hours of play.

My Mojo EVO dac is an upgraded Mystique 3 that Ben helped me upgrade with his valuable coaching from a distance. Here are the particulars of my Mojo Audio dac:

- upgraded EVO USB input board provided by Ben

- all five chokes upgraded to Lundahl with the all important analog section chokes being the better amorphous type.

- the op amps upgraded to Staccato class A discrete op amps per Ben’s recommendation.

- added chassis vibration control

- WA Quantum chips added to Mundorf 4 pole capacitors

- ERS tape applied on AC inlet area. Very small amount used

This matches up to the higher level EVO offerings when offered last year. Not exactly the same, but pretty darn close.


Ghasly and Starboard are spot on in their review and comments of the Dac 1. It is easily the best sounding dac I have heard at its selling price. The only dac I have heard that sounds as good at $10,000 and under is my Mojo Audio Dac. More on that comparison in a moment. I have owned and listened to some great dacs including the Luxman DA-06, the Aqua line of dacs, Lampizator Amber, PS Audio Direct Stream, several upgraded MHDT dacs and others I can’t seem to remember 🤔.


The Dac 1 has an addictive golden glow that softens the highs just ever so slightly making music so enjoyable and fun to listen to. It offers amazing detail retrieval, but not in an aggressive manner. It’s resolution of inner detail is delivered with a warmish vibrancy that is special. The level of sonic realism is stunning at this or any price point.

So how does it compare to the mighty Mojo Audio dac? Very well! In the end I preferred my Mojo Audio dac ever so slightly, but the Dac 1 came very close to it sonically. The Mojo Audio Evo remained a tad more composed at higher volumes with a greater sense of ease. When music was more complex the Evo dac sorted things out a little better and cleaner. The Evo bass drive was slightly better, but this was close. Finally, the Evo revealed differences in recordings better by not editorializing with any personality of its own. The Dac 1 has a sonic signature that listeners would never notice if not comparing to a dac like the Evo. The Dac 1 has this golden glow of vividness that one hears recording to recording. Initially I thought the Dac 1 revealed details not found with the Evo. After more listening it became clear the same details were there with the Evo, but presented in a less “obvious”manner. Is the Dac 1 too vivid? No. Absolutely no. My comments are only in comparison to the Mojo Audio Evo.

I think the Dac 1 is an astounding value and deserves far more attention in audio forums. I have done my part here. I am confident some would choose the Dac 1 over my Evo in my system and theirs. The dacs are that close in performance.

I honestly felt there was no way this $5500 dac would really compete with the Mojo Audio dac. However, comments from Starboard and Ghasly peaked my curiosity. I was taken back by the stellar performance of the Dac 1. A sonically well balanced dac top to bottom that is full bodied and absolutely beautiful sounding.






Couple of more comments. I use the usb inputs only on both dacs. My digital front end is as follows:

linear power supply powered modem - Network Acoustics ENO ethernet cable - English Electric Switch 8 powered with a linear power supply - Network Acoustics Muon Ethernet cable - Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filter - Innuos Zenith 3 - Tchernov reference USB cable to the dacs. The dacs placed on a Sound Anchors 225 pound rack with the dacs on Townshend Pods


Both dacs had great body, solidity and never sounded thin. Both threw a nice big stage and imaged like champs.