Thiel CS6 Compared with Eggleston Andra 1

Has anyone ever compared the two?
Let me know. Thanks
I've heard the Andra; I've heard a fair number of top end Thiels, but not the CS 6. However, this may help a bit:

Stereophilereview of Eggleston Andra

Stereophilereview of Thiel CS-6

Looking at the measured frequency response curves, it appears to me that both have a significant power response issue, with precipitous frequency amplitude drops in the midrange at a crossover point--the Andra in the 2-3KHz region and the CS-6 smack at 1KHz. Personally I have no patience with such anomalies in power response. The price you pay is incessant fiddling with speaker position, listening position, platforming, and room treatments to get the "cupped hands" sensation to go away. Also note that the CS-6 review mentions that you have to sit at least 10 feet from the speakers to get complete driver integration. Between the two, the Andra has the much better damped (i.e., quieter) cabinet.
Having owned the Andra I (and II) i can say that they are very easy to place in a room with a very smooth tweeter and a very convincing reproduction of acoustic piano. the measured response curve does not correlate with any reviewer's having to move the speakers around from place to place. the Eggleston crossovers were tuned by A.Von Schweikert who has a good reputation among folks that have auditioned his speakers over the years. I have never heard the newer Thiels however, and they always got better with each new generation (if one were to believe the reviews anyway). but in my experience the Andra's were plug and play in my very-average living room (carpets, couches, coffee tables).
transparent wire really got them singing (for a price...)
I should have qualified my remarks better. In spite of my concerns about the Andra's measured power response, when I heard them I was *very* impressed with their very coherent, natural presentation. It's a subjective matter, but I like the Andra's tonal balance over the Thiels I've heard.