Great Classical Recordings

Hello Great Hive of Knowledge -- and Opinion --

I can’t find what I am looking for. I know many great classical performances but not one that is actually RECORDED well in the sense that Muddy Watter’s Falk Singer is a great recording. Best I can describe it is you hear instruments arranged in space (a sort of sculpture), not a mush of sound. I am especially interested in operas and symphonies. but would also like to hear about smaller ensemble work 

Thank you in advance.


Best I can describe it is you hear instruments arranged in space (a sort of sculpture), not a mush of sound. I am especially interested in operas and symphonies. but would also like to hear about smaller ensemble work

An example of an orchestral recording that captures the 3D space and soundstage is the Shostakovich Symphony No. 1, Bernard Haitink conducting the London Philharmonic on Decca. Excellent recording and performance.

For solo and small ensemble I'll suggest the label M-A Recordings, which creates audiophile recordings with minimalist miking. There is a free hi-res sampler for download here: (created for Steve Guttenberg's  Audiophiliac YouTube). The solo cello tracks have some of the best cello reproduction I've heard.

I am listening to The Auryn Quartet doing all the Haydn String Quartets on the Tacet Label. Absolutely wonderful readings and very heartfelt . The recording quality and tone are splendid with superb detail from all 4 instruments . Idagio has lots of recordings from this quartet. A very enthusiastic recommendation.