Does it matter the wire gauge used in interconnects?

I am thinking of trying my hand on building some DIY interconnects. It will be balanced (XLR) and 10 feet long. I have seen interconnects made with thin 30 gauge wire, is there an advantage using super thin gauge wire?
I was thinking of using 20 gauge but is that too thick for interconnects?


That being said, it is a personal preference.  I never really liked silver for use in analog interconnects, but I have found it is required for digital cables (S/PDIF, AES/ABU, HDMI, etc.).

Vh audio v twist wire is for my ears and wallet great stuff...chris would help i would think as well...the v twist for me is as easy as it gets at diy.The guys here know there shtuff alright.His copper wire has alot clarity...was going to do something like steve’s cable minus mylar...take your time.A great sounding cable done right is an enjoyable will surprise you im betting.


The price for silver wire from VH seems really high. I can buy .999 16ga. solid silver wire for about $10 a foot.



It’s about what sounds the best. Even though I have tried several (many, many) interconnects through the years using all types of different wires/configurations, the Shunyata Sigma V2 has been the best (thus far). And I'm not really sure what size or type of wire that is used.


@ozzy - yup, but you're not getting OCC silver wire.  That's the biggest difference.

Buying your .999 16 gauge silver wire is almost like buying "OFC" or "less than OFC copper".

Plus, the VH Audio uses foamed fluoropolymer insulation, which has the least amount of dielectric absorption in an actual insulation.