Paypal Changes for 2022

If I understand this correctly, Paypal, along with all on-line payment sources like Venmo, etc. will now be sending out 1099 forms for all payments totaling $600 you receive in 2022 for goods or services.  The only way around this is to use Paypal friends and family for payment which eliminates any buyer protections.  Is everyone aware of this?


Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43

So, if you buy a piece of gear for $1,000 and sell it for $1,500 you have a $500 profit. Depending on your tax bracket you would owe between zero and $185 (37%) in income tax. You might owe some state income tax as well depending on where you live. Would anyone here find this offensive? Paying around $200 in income tax because a statistical outlier of a piece of gear appreciated?


This is a nothing cheeseburger...its not a big deal to pay income tax as a hobbyist if you get lucky and something appreciates. If its a big deal, start a business, pay the fees necessary and set up shop. It looks easy and is hard as heck to make money in the audio business.




You can pay a few dollars in income tax on the absolutely rare occurrence that a couple of items here or there MIGHT have appreciated enough to generate a profit. Senseless handwringing.

So, in that rare case like selling an oppo 205 we can say “buyer to pay shipping, PayPal fees and estimated income tax due”. 

I love all country that have woman and I no buy or sell gear. I buy Maggie from dealer Wilson and Rockport buy trade in and dealer have to deal with government. 

Post removed 


So, in that rare case like selling an oppo 205 we can say “buyer to pay shipping, PayPal fees and estimated income tax due”. 



You could ask for interesting trades of "X, Y or Z" or you could ask for your basis and ask that the buyer donate $X to a charity (of your choice) and include the charity receipt with their payment prior to shipping. OTHERWISE, someone would be trying to EVADE income taxes rather than to AVOID or DEFER income tax. Quite a different matter.