@roxy54 thanks, i lifted it from Wiki. i should have been more clear about that. Best to you !
Transmission line speakers!
Hi group,
I just pulled the trigger on a mint pair of Falcon speakers. They are a transmission line design. I don’t see many speakers using transmission line. Does anyone here have any experience pro or con with this type of design? BTW, I have always liked sealed type speakers over ported speakers!
Thanks much!
@roxy54 thanks, i lifted it from Wiki. i should have been more clear about that. Best to you ! Jim |
My mains speakers are some transmission line IMF RSPM mark IV. I bought them in great condition from a junk shop a year or so ago. My magnepan .7's and Dalhquist dqm9 have been pushed into a corner ever since. The IMF's are huge and heavy but are so easy on the ear. I am sure that design difficulty, cost of manufacture and shipping, and shear size are the reasons speaker like this became rarities. |
They are made of 1’’ ply and are a CJ Rogers design with a KEF B139 bass, KEF B110 mid, KEF T27 tweeter and an ITT-STC 4001G Super tweeter. They sound really nice with any amp but could probably do with a crossover rebuild. And a refinish as the original glued laminate hasn’t aged well and has been removed. I have tried to include a picture but it won’t stick for some reason. |
This is a great post. I learned so much about this and similar designs today that provide direction of my next speaker upgrade. Thanks for bringing TL design to the forum and thanks to all those that contributed to the discussion. My current speaker set uses a loose concept of the TL design but I was unaware of how the construction is classified and incorrectly thought I had stumbled across a unique design. I am enamored with this low frequency sound and today have found the path to take when upgrading. Thanks again! |