Phono preamp suggestions; can I improve upon my Aesthetix Rhea Sig ?

I have just ordered a new VPI HW-40 with a Van Den Hut Crimson Stradivarius cart.  I'm now wondering if I need to upgrade my Rhea phono pre? Have already made improvements with NOS tubes.  Have looked at the Pass XP-27. Also I see the Coincident Speaker Technology Statement was just awarded product of the year award from AS.    Any thoughts?


Xagwell,  Thank you!  Had no idea the turnaround was so long.  I've recently done a lot of system upgrades.  New Wireworld interconnects and PC's.  I've added a PS Audio Power Regenerator which has lowered the noise floor considerably.  Also upgraded my power amps to Classe Delta Monos which has improved dynamic range, soundstage, and tone.  Then I went to inputs.  Added Denafrips Terminator Plus and Gaia DDC.  That was huge!  Made my Vinyl the weakest link.  After my turntable and cart upgrade I'm now concluding its the equal or slightly better than my digital rig.  Still need more time listening.  My vinyl weakness at this point is noise floor.  Would be very curious to hear about that when your Rhea gets back. Again thanks for your comments.  

Skinzy I rec'd the Rhea Eclipse yesterday and only put 5 hours of listening on it so far.  I had taken a pic of the standard Rhea before the upgrade so I immediately noticed the significant changes in circuitry. The 2nd thing was the complete elimination of tube rush from both channels; dead silence  It was returned with JJ tubes where I had Teslovak E83CCS/Sovtek 6922.  Per Aesthetix the J's offer them the lowest harmonic distortion based on a per batch selection. An appreciable improvement in resolution was immediate as judged by a reduction of sibilance, and a smoothing (less lippy) of JJ Johnson's trombone solos.  In addition certain passages were presented/emphasized in manner different than before.  Mid bass definition improved based on an increased overlap between the Maggies and Vandersteen sub where there has always been a slight hole. Deep bass was solid but inconsistent in that it was more impactful/defined on some and not on others. Overall this seems to be consistent with the initial expectations Aesthetix delineated.  Once again they say it will get better "every day."   Again my comparisons are with a stock Rhea I've had for 15+ years.  FWIW their customer service gets 5 stars!

Thank you for your initial evaluation Xagwell. When I went from stock Rhea to Signature the tube rush I had experienced went away and my unit is very quite. My primary goal is to get a quieter noise floor. Don’t know if that’s possible with tubes. My Terminator Plus DAC has a very black background  compared to my current Rhea. Don’t know if signal to noise in a phono preamp can compete with a great DAC. On the other hand I love the SQ of vinyl with a tube pre.