Advice needed on power cables, wall warts, conditioning, electrical outlet

Hi everyone,

I would appreciate any advice on power cables, wall warts, power conditioning, better electrical outlet,  etc. 

If I have a power conditioner, with all of my equipment plugged into it with their stock cables, would upgrading the individual components’ power cable, wall wart etc. really help to improve the sound quality?  If yes, in what order of priority would you suggest?  Looking to make some low/moderate cost "tweaks" where it makes sense.

FWIW, here’s my setup:

  • 15 amp dedicated electrical circuit with standard home grade grounded electrical outlet.
  • Furman PL Plus-C power conditioner (repurposed from my music equipment studio rack) plugged into this AC outlet.  (Furman has a hardwired power cable, so I cannot easily swap it out)
  • All of my audio equipment plugs into the Furman: e.g. integrated tube amp, DAC, Sound Expander, ethernet to optical converter, Sonore Optical Rendu (feeds the DAC via USB), and Small Green Computer Roon server.
  • All components have their respective manufacturers’ standard issue power cord or wall wart.  (Sonore Optical Rendu with their Small Green Computer standard LPS).
  • TrendNet ethernet switch, not on the conditioner and uses wall wart.  CAT 8 to upstairs to my Asus router also wall wart and not on conditioner.
  • Asus router to Verizon FIOS ONT via CAT 8 ethernet.

Any advice and comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!


Speaking of power, have any of you experienced Furutech's in-wall power cable, - FURUTECH ALPHA-CB10 Power Cable OCC Copper Alpha Treatment 6.23mm² Ø5.5mm?

It is really more like a hook-up wire in that it is a single run, meaning you would have to double up for power or speaker cables.  However, it provides a lot of their top OCC alpha copper for not really a lot of money.  At about $43/meter you could do a 2M, 10awg power cord for about $170 plus plugs, or two 8-foot, 10awg speaker cables for $430 plus connectors.  The XLPE (Cross-linked Polyethylene) insulation/covering has a relatively low dielectric constant of 2.2/2.3 compared to Teflon at 2.1.  I can't seem to find this cable available in the USA - the linked Audiophonics source I believe is in France.

Before buying power cables for individual equipment consider the power cable for your power conditioner.  The power for all the equipment plugged into the power conditioner is fed through that one power cable.  This is also the first thing that your power conditioner sees and matters most, followed by the wall outlet, house wiring, the drop from the utility pole, and so on.

There is no need to spend ridiculous amounts of money on power cables.

Check the below out for example. Its current carrying capacity of 90 amps at 10 awg is a testament to its quality. And for short runs, its stray capacitance & inductance will not matter. It only costs about $2.60 per foot.

I changed my 2 channel and HT wall warts to Audioquest NRG15's, using all Audioquest powercords(various versions), with Monster HDP2500 for HT system, and Monster AVS2000/Furman 15PFI for 2 channel setup. 

In my previous system this was a night and day difference and a must to be at least listenable. The twitter was so bright and over accentuating everything that it sounded like knife sharpening. The sibilants were ear piercing. At that time I lived in a 65 year old townhouse with potentially the worst electricity ever. For example, the system was completely unlistenable between 6pm and 9:30pm. After 9:30pm you could listen to it as it sounded a bit better. Weekend mornings sounded ok too. My friend is an electrician. I asked him if he can pull a dedicated line for me to plug in the gear, we decided on 20 amps. I bough an Audioquest Edison plug and he put it on that dedicated line. Things improved in terms of dynamics but the brightness didn’t. I then bought the Niagara 5000 power conditioner and 4 Monsoon and 4 Cardas Cygnus power cords. Some components liked the Cardas better, some the Audioquest but the main difference was that all the brightness and over accentuating went away. It literally disappeared and the tweeter became very relaxed and natural sounding. This literally was a night and day difference for my system. Your mileage can very however as these things are system dependent. It is better to play it safe and try before you buy.