Linkwitz Lab Loundpeaker baffle

Namely the thinness??  Bound to vibrate. Why would he persist with
these flimsy structures when the audio world indicates inert mass
for the driver loading is better? I'm "baffled".
To onhwy61. The answer is yes. Very,very basic. Any movement of the driver from an absolutely immobile position results in time smearing, distortion of the sound wave.There is no debating this fact.It's because this is so basic that I posted this serious question.
Silly boy. The midrange drivers in the Orions--where it matters--is mounted to a rear support and held in place by the speaker's magnet. The driver doesn't touch the front baffle.

The lx521 deals with all these issues.  The design specifically states that all baffle dimension MUST be maintained.  That includes the thickness of the baffle.  So the builder is allowed a choice of the baffle material only.  Wow, doesn't that open a "new line of inquiry".  For the record, I own both the Orion and the lx521.  The lx521 is truly Siegfried's magnum opus.