Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout.

We are gathering a list of eight speakers to compare in two live events in

June 2022. Post covid we hope!


Trying to gather models which are not readily available for audition.


Please submit your One suggestion here. 

I will begin with my One -KLH Model 5. MRSP $2,000.


Thanks for the help!


CSS criton 1TDX speakers. take your pick of finished models. I would wager they win in a walk esp w upgrades..  or build a kit for less

Thanks for all the input. To respond to last questions:


Amps: We have access to some decent integrated amps.  Pass Labs INT25,Leben 600, ARC I-50, Luxman 509. Dan D'Agostino was generous enough to loan us an Amp last time. Perhaps we can borrow his newer Integrated.I will also ask the makers if they have any preferences.

Source: Turntables are available but CD will be safer. We have access to a Hegel Mohican and a dCs transport.


Rooms:  14' x 19' x 10'  were used in the 2019 event. Limited glass surfaces with some diffusion. They worked well. Seating for about 25 people who make good absorbers. We have panels to use as needed.

Format: Two equal sized listening rooms.Set up 5 speakers per room. Play each speaker for 15 minutes using 3-4 different songs covering jazz, classical, electronic, pop/rock. 70-80 db range. One day event. $10 entry fee to offset space cost. 

Lot of work and a lot of fun. Hope to be held in June 2022.



Disc- We used the LSA 10s in our 2019 Speakerfest. They were excellent

and the only contender that was sold at the show to a board member 

who kept them until he bought a pair of Joseph Pulsars. Pretty high praise.

But we won't repeat it again for the sake of our members. Good idea though!


We do have the Buchardt and ATC included. ProAcs & Monitors would be nice but we need balance. 

Our folks know the LS50's very well already.  

Not including any actives, open baffles or panels this time. They all have limited

appeal due to setup requirements. Yes they sound good.

Studio Electric sounds pretty tempting. I will contact them. They have one model in one finish that is under $3k MSRP. 


We want to attempt a balanced representation in terms of box speaker sound under $3k.  All ScanSpeak/Seas/DB is too much of a good thing. 

Brands with poor warranties, service availability or repair issue histories are also

to be avoided.

Still Open to Other brands not mentioned under $3k MSRP.


Thank you to everyone for the ideas!!

Lets have some fun!!


Get a pair of the older KLH 5's in good condition.  They use a different midrange configuration and despite audiophile angst about cross-firing mids, the image very well and very precisely.  Would make an interesting comparison, and with some careful shopping the older version can be had for about $250-350 per pair.

Just to drive the point home, my "old" pair have replaced my Thiel 3.5's in my main system, and I don't miss a thing.

Revel M106.

Why? Harman's research and reputation.

I bounce between the M105 and ATC scm7 v.3 here in my system.

Do you have anything with Purifi drivers in the lineup?

Where is this being held?