Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?

I'm eager to here from anyone who has listened to the new EMM CDSA SE and how it compares to whatever else you listen to.
I have the fortune of auditioning at home for the past week a new CDSA, and the blessing of a supportive wife whose ears are more musically tuned than mine. Equip: CJ PV14 preamp (Mullard 8080), MV60 (Mullard EL34s), Cardas cables, Piega C10Ltd floorstanding. After about 10 hours, I packed it up to be returned, and going back to my old Arcam FMJ CD23T, wife's immediate response was "where did the music go"?
Have nothing to compare it against, but next time I listen to the Wadia on another system, I'll know what to look for.
I do have a Mobile Fidelity Getz/Gilberto CD to compare with the same album in SACD. SACD is cleaner, the cymbal more palpable, more separation of the instruments/vocals. Listening now to all my redbook CDs though, the vocals have become more expressive and the slightest fluctuations of articulation and breaths are remarkably present. Complex passages are easily interpreted. Tight bass, dynamic range, very convincing presentation.
Makes CD sound much closer to vinyl, so wife supports the upgrade.
Shortcoming: cannot program tracks to playback
Dear friends,

All the input in this forum is truely accurate.
I have a demo unit with me for abt 4 days. This is a new unit out from the box. It sounded horrible in the dealers showroom and initial start in my own home. After playing and leaving the power on for a couple of days, it was magical. Especially in the mids. The CDSA was exactly how my friends who owns the 2 box TPT and DA decribed, involving and very anlogue sounding.