What a pile of Schiit

Sorry, most of us just can’t resist.

So I was looking at the Schiit Asgard and wanted it with a phono card. The web site does not provide the phono option on the drop down even though the owners manual clearly states this is an option. The only way to get it is to order it separately . When you do that, not only does it cost more but it voids the return policy even though Schiit installed it! Now if I ordered the phono card separately, and did a self install, I could return it. But, here again, you are not given an option on the site of purchasing it that way. Note the other preamps have drop downs that allow the option of factory or self installation of these cards at $50 savings either way. Insane.

So I emailed Schiit and Laura dogmatically states there is nothing that can be done, that’s the way it is.


Anyone else had similar experience with this company?

Has anyone listened to this phono card option on any of their modular headphone amps?


@ericsh Modi 3+, SYS, Aegir and Vidar. The Sys works well. The Modi 3+ is neutral, but I no better than my cheap DAC from 2004. The Aegir and Vidar have massive quality control issues. The Zen is a huge improvement over the Aegir. The Vidar is mid-fi (at best) and I greatly question its power rating. It's THD is ridiculous above 85db.


Overall, I'm just not impressed. Schiit would be a great product for Circuit City and Schiit in my opinion it is the most over-hyped audio brand available right now.

I ordered the Freya+ and Loki late 2020. Took a while, covid, etc., understand. Responsive customer service,  answered numerous questions, VERY satisfied with both. Will likely get amp and dac in the future from them.

Since we are talking Schitt here. I am thinking about buying the Loki mini plus. MY purpose is to soften, recess, and in essence, give my sound a little more meat around it class D bones. Can an EQ do those things?

quincy noted above that it produces hum in his set up is that a common problem of the Loki?  That would be a deal breaker as I want it to be low-key.  Thanks


There are a number of posters that are clearly talking out of their posterior here. I'm on my fourth Schiit product, a Yggdrasil "Less-Is-More" version. I've been extremely pleased with all of them. The Yggdrasil is, without a doubt, one of the best bang-for-the-buck DACs available from ANY maker, and at $2150, it ain't cheap. Still a bargain, like pretty much everything they make. Schiit is very well respected among the audio press and the audio world in general, and for good reason. They've built a very successful business by providing excellent products at sane prices and making everything right here in the U.S., but you can't please everyone. I'm sure they'll be fine...

I did some musical chairs with my gear today since I wanted to reunite my Benchmark gear in the Livingroom system. What that meant was that the Schit Freya+, that I bought on a whim, made an entrance in my office system. It replaced the Topping pre90.

The Freya+ | KRELL Duo 175XD | Thiel CS3.7. Sounded surprisingly good. I am going to listen to this combo regularly. A simple matter of changing 1 XLR to the amp. I normally use the CODA 07x preamp.

The Freya+ | CODA #8 | RAAL SR1a. Rather good. Not reference class as with my CODA 07x preamp but the tubes make for a fun listen with the bright SR1a.

This combo was not in the office, but I tried the Freya+ | Benchmark AHB2 | RAAL SR1a. This was an amazing combo and the reason I never returned the Freya+ to Schitt during the trial period. 

I am glad I got the Freya+. It will add for some fun listens.