Many Vandersteen dealers carry ARC…. for a reason. The REF75se is a superb amp and should you stay in the Vandy line will take you up to and especially suitable for Quattro ( because of the high pass and built in sub ). Depending on how old your 2’s are ( in continuous production AND improvement since 1977 ), you should consider the latest model, or as advised the more advanced Treo. I run the Treo CT with a 50 wpc tube amp and for a short time ran my 7’s with the 75 wpc ARC - definitely magic midrange. The Treo is an easier load than the II, but the II with acoustic coupler play lower but can reward a SS amp w better lower end control. The REF75 has excellent output transformers so it will also run the II well, within noted volume and room size constraints. You might want to join the Vandy owners forum on the Vandy site. There are many owners there, some w amps mentioned. You got good advice on visiting a dealer and listening to the combo. Rutan in NJ and Randy in Santa Monica both carry ARC and full line Vandy. Alan Jones at HiFi Buys Atlanta same. Think long term and the REF75se can anchor a state of the art system for many, many years.
best to you, enjoy the music and the journey