preamplifier after preamplifier?


I have a preamplifier and a poweramplifier I am very satisfied with.
The preamplifier is connected to the poweramplifier and the powerampfiler is connected to speakers,
The connection between the pre- and power-amplifiler is also spited to two active subwoofers.

However, I miss the option to control my sub-woofers volume relative to the speaker volume.
My pre don't have any settings for tuning this, just volume +/-

Can I connect a Second pre-amp with independent volume before the sub-woofers? will this cause any damage or problems?
It might be easier to understand this drawing:

Pre #1: pro-ject pre box s2 digital
Pre #2: AIYIMA Tube Pre


If your active, and I assume powered, subs have their own cross-over and gain control, why not simply connect them to your amp via the sub’s high-level speaker terminals (if they have them), not your pre? (share the binding posts with your mains). If powered subs, this is very safe for the amp as you are simply sending the shared signal to the subs, not powering them. In this way you can simply adjust the subs to the mains in terms of integration.

I do this, and my subs are in ’stereo’, albeit, no, I do not expect to hear them in stereo, it’s just easier that way in my set-up. They only activate when necessary per my crossover and gain setting, basically supplementing the mains.

Now, if you want to control the subs gain for each selection of music, perhaps your idea works better, or, perhaps you have no high-level terminals on your subs. For me, it’s adjust/integrate them and done.

The active subs should have a gain/volume knob on the sub's amplifier control panel. What purpose would the additional pre-amp provide, that the volume control knob on the sub does not already provide?

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