Audio Research Refernce 75se


i just heard Ref75 she that I would like to buy.

It has some quite buzz noise when u stand really close to the amp, and if u put the ear close to it you can hear it.

the seller said it is normal.. any experience with it?


@mike30 what I was getting at is that you dont have enough data. Ive owned this amp on multiple occasions, it shouldnt have noise. What power treatment were they using? Was the amp plugged into the wall? What about the circuit? What kind of power cable? Is it a dedicated or shared circuit? Shared power strip with switched mode devices?


you really should utilize the dealer channel. You think it will cost you more but it will save you money in the long run.

Transformer buzz! If it's not too obtrusive you can live with it! ARC might charge a lot for a new transformer.

My friend own a ARC ref 75se for many years and doesn't experience any hum/buzzing noise from its transformer.

Transformer hum/buzzing could be due to DC offset in AC mains, or the transformer loosen itself from the chassis, both can be easily fixed. But if the transformer hum/buzzing due to the transformer core adhesive starts to break apart and the laminated layers separate from each other slightly, the vibration of these layers is the cause of the humming noise, once the adhesive starts to break, the noise will gets louder over time and need to be replaced with a new transformer eventually.

my suggestion is bring it home for audition, if it still buzzing return it to the seller.