@lewm I was telling @emrofsemanon that if I had to sell all my audio gear, except I could keep 2 systems one would be the TechDas AF1 premium with the Etsuro Gold, the CH Precision P1 in mono phonostage, Ongaku with the Avantgrade Duo Primo XD or Acapella Poseidon.
I did tell him many times that he has to listen, because he needs to know what he is getting into and that SET is not for everyone.
I hear a lot about Decware, and I listened a couple in Spain from a colleague with their little horn speaker and when he told me the entire system was under e$3000 I was astonished for how good they sound.
@emrofsemanon's question got my attention and I am thinking of getting a system from them despite the wait. Is there another USA manufacturer I should try to study and listen?
Thank you