Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$

Another interesting read and I agree!

Not a flat earther and cables can make a difference but sticking a $600.00 PC on a $699.00 DAC is a freaking waste of money. IMHO.

As one of my racing instructors Fast Freddy Spencer used to say "Gotta have the apple before you can polish it" .

Spend the money on front end then upgrade your cables.

Just me thinking out loud.



Never have and never will. Unless YOU get rich and buy me one. :-) That works for me.. 


@pops oh I will if they only have 6 dealers that has to be some high dollar stuff?????????



Only have $25K in my system no $10K cables going into it ever. Even after I sell all that Pfizer and Apple stock and cash in my Bitcoins.