Your top ten CD transport???

Recently i replaced my CEC TL1 who is almost die by a DIRONDO cd transport to soon to give you any comment about that because my JADIS JS1 dac is on a trip to France to be updated for the MK3 status!
BURMESTER 979, MBL,and the one that impress me the most was the METRONOME KALISTA top load dreaming unit.
Which way those transports could have a sonic signature because it is only data going in a serial bit of 0 and 1 ?
Also in your top ten list: top load or drawer?
So lets show your top ten!!!!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
Sonic signature is due to:

1) jitter differences
2) impedance matching
3) signal edge-rate differences

My current favorite is the Northstar Transport using the I2S interface with some simple I2S mods (from Italy). The I2S leaves all of the S/PDIF transports in the dust IMO.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Rocc1007, the Kalista is one of the best sounding transports in the world, it should be for almost $30000.00! However I would recommend the Accustic Arts Drive1-MK2, which costs $6000.00, as a very competitive for alot less money.

I have owned or auditioned the ML-30.5, CEC TL-0, Ensemble Dirondo in my system, and think the Drive1-MK2 out performed them all. It's beautifully built, very fairly priced and offers performance that's at a reference level.
Hello Steve (emperical audio manufacturer), so how it come when comparing few transports with the same cable (digital) there is sonic difference also i was told that a BNC digital cable induce less Jitter this mean better for digital application???
I actualy use a NIRVANA BNC digital of 1 1/2 meter in lenght.....