聖HIJIRI Users thread

Based on a discussion with another forum member, I've been reading up on this Comback Corporation brand. The reviews I've found have been pretty positive, but I've also learned over the years to take all reviews with a grain of salt. So the purpose of this thread is for users to share their input on 聖HIJIRI cables. When you share, if you'd discuss what model of HIJIRI you demoed and what brands/models they were compared to, that'd be very helpful.

A little background: a few years ago I was reading the Audio Envy threads and decided to give them a try as the seemed to compete with much higher-priced cable.  So I decided to give AE a try. I found both the $179 P2 and the $279 M3 to easily best an Isotek power cord at $1k. So that got me thinking even more about value products. I was about to give Zavfino a try and then was given another recommendation to give HIJIRI a try. So this is how I got here. I'll be very interested to hear all user comments on HIJIRI and this should be a good repository for the brand.

Here is their website: www.combak.net


I have learned after making countless cables that the conductor material and type are but one part of the finished cable’s sound. The ear of the designer and their relentless curiosity of trying all manner of dielectric, geometry, shielding and vibration control are actually more important. I cannot overstate this. The designer of Hijiri cables says he tunes them and based on my listening he has nailed the natural flow and tone of music. He worked for five years tuning the sound of these cables. I realize I am paying for his talent, ears and artistry. Cable building at this level is every bit an art as it is anything else. No way to ever comprehend or assume how a cable like this will sound by a website, words or pictures. Must listen over time. Not a matter of quick A/B testing, but rather marinating in the sound over many days. Fun!

Hijiri’s site, Japan location and language barriers may not appeal to some. We all have differing sensitivities and that’s cool. Hijiri is simply another option for we music lovers.



Now @grannyring .... if they put exactly what you wrote above on their website, and explain it that way, everything would read much better and make more sense!

They should hire me! Ha! I spent 35 years in sales management, brand management, marketing management and new product innovation.


You can read up on the designer as he is an interesting man who also produces CD recordings. The JVC Recording Studio in Japan uses Hijiri cables and vibration control products. 

Post removed 

Go for it! I have given up after hearing these and what the designer did. Some say and think what I did for 35 years is easy. I suppose it’s easy to think that something we don’t fully I understand is easier than it really is to do very, very well.