Can a digital cable have different connectors?

I purchased a Chord MScalar to use with my current and future DACs. Unfortunately, the MScalar only has optical and BNC outputs. While this is fine because my current DAC has a BNC input, many other DACs I’m interested in does not.  Seems like SPDIF cables can have different terminations like RCA or BNC.

Can a digital cable work with one end terminated with BNC and the other end another type of connector?



don't over think this

i use bnc/rca adapters on my tt2 hugo and m scaler setup they work perfectly fine


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The connector quality can make a big difference in my AQ Diamond they use very expensive telegartner ethernet connectors $30 each vs what most use $5

super precision and with the super high purity Silver a excellent interconnect 

it does take around 300 hours to fully settle in similar to their Diamond usb I am pretty happy with  there is always better ,but how much do you want to spend ?

hdmi used as I2S is probably the best I use that with upsampler .using Wireworld best $400 a meter is reasonable.

I’ll ask them if they will terminate to RCA on one side which seems sonically better than an an added layer of an a BNC to RCA adapter

I have done lots of tests with these types of terminations.  In all cases, a cable with BNC termination plus a BNC-to-RCA adapter sounded superior to a cable just terminated with an RCA plug.  The RCA has a much lower impedance and I found that you just lose high frequency detail in the music.