preamplifier after preamplifier?


I have a preamplifier and a poweramplifier I am very satisfied with.
The preamplifier is connected to the poweramplifier and the powerampfiler is connected to speakers,
The connection between the pre- and power-amplifiler is also spited to two active subwoofers.

However, I miss the option to control my sub-woofers volume relative to the speaker volume.
My pre don't have any settings for tuning this, just volume +/-

Can I connect a Second pre-amp with independent volume before the sub-woofers? will this cause any damage or problems?
It might be easier to understand this drawing:

Pre #1: pro-ject pre box s2 digital
Pre #2: AIYIMA Tube Pre


Hi Guys,

Signal purity to be highest goal here.

any preamp externally on top of another or dsp will work against it.

Solution for it in case of using digital front end with both volume control and a DAC, such as a CD player, connect player’s RCA outputs to subs directly and player’s XLR to your preamp. Or use Y splitter at player’s RCA Outputs.

so any kind of combination with volumes of your speakers and your subs is possible.

I do this for years now with my Nagra system. Very exiting every session…


Enjoy the music.

2nd advantage of this solution, you always need to deliver signal to subs as early as possible since sub drivers are not fast in reaction. So your speakers receive the signal little later than subs. Result is matching phase of both drivers (normal speakers and subs) if sub signal arrives at your ears too early use subs’s delay or phase knobs to adjust.

works flawlessly.

any solution with dsp or 2nd preamp cannot beat above.

Enjou the music…

I wrestled with this for years. Bought a dbx drive rack 360 and love it. Very versatile. Check it out. Control all speaker volumes, delay, parametric/graphic eq-the list goes on and on. 

We suggest keeping the system as simple as possible, with one preamp, our choice is the miniDSP SHD, it would integrate like this:

Here is the functional block diagram,  this allows for full control over all crossover slopes and frequencies, channel levels and delays.  Most importantly, Dirac Live room correction.