This was my post in your thread “Objective vs Subjective”:
**** No disrespect intended and maybe I’m showing my age (in this hobby), but I am frankly surprised that the question has been posed. The question and answer are so rudimentary to this hobby and so frequently asked (in one way or another) that….
As much as I sometimes dislike using the word “audiophile”, I’ll use it to ask this simple question: are we “audiophiles”, or are we “measurementphiles”? ****
This thread is one of those “one way or another”.
Again, no disrespect intended, but how many times do we have to rehash the same questions and issues? Questions and issues which have been beaten to death on this and just about all other audiophile forums. Frankly, I expect more from a manufacturer of audio products. I expect to learn something new; or, at least, to be caused to ponder a new possibility.
Don’t get me wrong, I am in your camp as concerns the issue of reliance on measurements vs one’s ears, but…….
For whatever it may be worth none of this inspires me to try your products,