Upgrade Source?

My system consiosts of Harbeth Super HL5 speakers, Pathos MKII Classic integrated and denon DVD 291o for source. With both the speakers and the integrated I noticed huge improvement( from Klipsch Heresy and Creek 5350Se). Now I am thinking about source upgrade and wondering if I will see the same noticeable improvement.

I would like a player for both SACD and Redbook but don't care to connect to my video. I have read about Ayre C5xe, Cary 306 SACD, and some modded Denon players. I am fairly new to the audiophile thing and would appreciate your advice.
Modwright Sony 999, or 9000 (if you don't mind not playing CD-r/rw), each with full mods go for around $1600-2k used. Highly recommended. Dan's Sony 9100 would also be worth considering, if budget is not of concern, as would APL Denon 3910.

The Exemplar Denon 3910 as far as modded players go. Have seen them used for $3k. Sacd/DVD-A and Redbook and video too. Worth it at $5k, brand spanking new, as well.

warren :)
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