Interconnects--power cords?

My system (Conrad Johnson and Vandersteen Quatros) --I have been running Audioquest Niagras--Purist power cables for amp and pre, Audio
Quest Comets bi wired to speakers--Audience Au 24 for CD player---recently added Audioquest Sky--find it fits best between pre and power--but something seems a bit too "airy"--an improvement on the Niagras, but while more clear, also lacking in punch and or--seems as if I cannot achieve clarity and force (?) in my sound. Soundstage is a bit too relaxed. I don't know. Suggestions? Have moved power cords around--the Audience seems to work best with the CD player--since this is all incredibly subjective---just looking for feedback that might lead me down a different and better path.
Remember my thread
I had Cardas Golden Cross IC from cd player to source and from source to amp with Golden Cross Speaker Cables.
The sound was off. Too smooth sounding . Not at all Dynamic. That is why that thread was started.:)
Bluesnbike1954 -

The Quatro speakers are a sonic match for AudioQuest speaker cables. Audience AU24 /AU24e are a sonic match for CJ gear.

You will have to experiment to find that 'magic' w/in your specific system. BTW, which components (pre, power, cd player)
are you using?

Keep me posted.
I am finding that the Niagras simply sound more soulful--warmer--yes, I sacrifice some detail---but the overall sound is far more pleasing when spread across the entire spectrum of music l listen to---May try the the Audioquest Skys with the video--or possibly the connect with the Turntable---and CJ Pre-turntable is older Oracle Oracle--thanks ---
I use the Sky as well for my centre and back Chanels. The Oak will give you also a much more dynamic sound compared to the comet you use. I use a Acapella full silver xlr to my Pass Labs poweramp. This one is more musical and has more drive compared to the Sky. Nordost Valhalla powercable for cd will give you more openness as well. The Sky has more speed. Often people think there is less low freq. wenn there is more speed and control. Normally a Sky should give more dynamics than the Niagra.