Top Choices Under 2K Dac and Transport

Helping a friend put together a separate digital system. Keep the price at $2,000.00 and under for a DAC and Transport. He does have a Onix XCD 88 CDP,that could be used as a transport if need be. Keep your choices solid state and those you actually use or have heard, and the signature they present. Many thanks.
I'd suggest the Museatex Bitstream dac (modded by John Wright of Museatex) with a Theta data II. That should put him at around 1000 to 1200 bucks. Add a decent digital cable and you still are under 1500. This is one of the best combos I have heard (including Audio Aero and Sim Audio).
One more vote for Classe CDT-1/DAC-1 combo. As long you don't listen back to back with a good vinyl set up, it might fool you in believing you are listening to a analog set up (with right cabling)