It might be important to remember that audio, high end audio... is not concerned with the 95-97% of the signal and associated qualities, that EVERYONE can obtain with their $1 for a dac chip or $$200 for a dac chip.
Nobody cares about the +95%. it’s meaningless, in this context.
The only thing the high end audio endeavor is concerned about, is those last few percentage points.
This is the sublime part, the part the makes our juices flow. The difference between $1 bottle sherry and $300 a bottle scotch. It’s all in these few percentage points. Proximity to the sun. Icarian.
So we end up in these little almost circular-like arguments where we talk past one another.
To figure this out soonest and get there... and get to the enjoying of a proximity to a perfection we can’t really ever reach. Time. Time in life. Time spent in good spaces.