I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?

I currently have Technics 1200G turntable with Dynavector 17XD cartridge playing through Kitsune LCR 1 MK5 phono pre and Allnic L7000 preamp. My amps are Pass X350.5 and Benchmark AHB2 driving Sound Lab ESL speakers. My system sounds great, but I am wondering how I can take my system to another level. What do you think?


@rauliruegas I still don't understand. Wouldn't decreasing the gain on the Kitsune do the same degradation? 

Before I think about doing anything drastic like removing a wall, is there a way to quantify/measure the room deficiency? 

What do you think about the tone arm (on 1200G) or Kitsune phono stage?

I’ve seen Ralph mention that the weak links of the Technics (for MC) are their tonearm and record mat. I couldn’t agree more!

There are a few options from the UK for armboards from such places as SoundSupports & Ammonite Audio. As far as record mats are concerned, I have had much success using the current Luxman mat on Technics including your “G”.

Also for what it’s worth, the short cantilever of your Dynavector gave me a huge education on the importance of zenith (yaw). After setting an earlier example of a 17D into an SME 309 years ago for an industry friend, it just revealed an overall lack of pace & dynamic involvement. A very slight twisting in the non-slotted headshell towards the direction of less detail was able to produce nirvana. With the timing of its Micro-Ridge stylus finally “in the window” for proper channel timing, the Pace, Rhythm and Timing (PRaT) was now evident in spades.