Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?

We’re moving and I’m looking for a high-efficiency, high impedance speaker that can fill a very large “great room” with smooth, open, detailed sound, both for serious listening and casual background music. I currently have Devore Super 9s, but those will be going in a separate dedicated listening room. I thought about getting another pair of Devores (maybe the O/93) for the great room because I love this brand, but I’m interested in other possibilities The new speakers will be on either side of a 6-foot TV console, so they’ll need to sound good fairly close to the wall behind them. And they will need to have a reasonably good WAF. They will be played mainly at low-moderate sound levels and our tastes include rock, classical, world music and “spa” type relaxation stuff.

Anyone who is familiar with any of the following candidates, please feel free to sound off. As you can see, price ranges are all over the place:

Zu Soul Supreme

Tekton Lore

Volti Razz

Klipsch Forte IV

Fleetwood Deville



Thanks for the advice fosolitude. I am leaning towards Volti and Fleetwood Deville. I used to have the Devore 96, it made music seem more physical and present than anything I've ever had but was too large for my room, so I went to the Super 9s, which are perfect. I will check out Charney, that is new to me.

Thanks for the advice, 213cobra. I am still considering the Soul Supreme, the WAF is high and I've always wanted to try Zu. I'm a little hesitant, though, because out of all the speakers on my list, these seem to have the most "personality" and folks either love them or hate them. I usually enjoy Steve Guttenberg's YouTube reviews, but his description of the Soul 6 made me think he either had them set up wrong or they weren't broken in. I guess by the Griewe Gap, you're referring to the space between the bottom of the speaker and the floor. That seems like it would be a real pain in the ass to have to adjust.

I have Fleetwood Deville paired with a Bakoon AMP-51R.  Gorgeous pairing imo. 

I'm not familiar with Charney, either.  Their website (assuming charneyaudio.com is correct) appears to be dead.