do burnt CD copys sound as good as originals?

I have several 2nd generation copies of music friends have burned for me & I'm just wondering....(these were burned off a laptop). I just got a burner for my personal computer installed & might make some compilations for roadtrips, etc. thanks for any input or tips...happy holidays & listening.
The practical answer is that I doubt you'll be able to hear any difference that might pertain while listening in the car (unless you or your friends use lossy compression of the data to produce MP3 disks, or if the original source wasn't a CD but a compressed facsimile).

As far as the answer in theory goes, I've owned and tried a few different component CD-R recorders and blank media, and have found that audible differences certainly do occur. I don't burn copies on a laptop myself, but all the computer-burned copies I have been given by friends which I've later acquired an original CD of have sounded markedly inferior, but I can't say why since I don't know the details of how they were made. I do know that I've never made a copy myself which I felt sounded "better" than an original CD, but a good copy falls below the threshold of reliable distinguishability IMO.

[BTW, about another question raised above, I am sure that no dual-disk CD-R recorders convert to analog and back when dubbing, but the one dual-disk machine I tried -- a "pro" unit like the others I've had -- showed inferior copy fidelity at 1X speed than my single-well machines fed from my outboard transport, and worsened at faster copy speeds.]
What if......assuming you have the (theoretical) capability of bit perfect ripping and burning, then WHY NOT:

1) Make a duplicate copy of your favorite CD original.

2) Take that duplicate COPY and then rip and burn that.

3) Repeat step (2) for each SUCCESSIVE COPY until you've done it four times.

4) Invite two friends over.

5) Pour yourself and your friends a cordial helping of your preferred listening lubricant.

6) Take disc copies 1-3 from steps (2) and (3) and place them under the containers utilized in step (5).

7) Perform listening test to compare the 4th generation copy to that of the original.

8) Discuss results of step (7) relative to the topic of this thread.

9) Repeat steps (5), (7) and (8) as necessary until conclusive results are obtained.

10) Report results to this forum NO LESS than 12 hours after the performance of step (9).
Slothman, I have several times gone to a second generation copy and heard no benefits. Frankly, I have lost interest in going further. I don't understand why burners sound different, but I think cdrs vary as does cleaning them and the originals.
I have done much research and experimenting into this question.

My experience thus far; All the research and info on the web and at the libraries aproximates the comments on this post -- theroretically is should be possible to make an EXACT copy, in reality, most can hear a difference.

In my experimentations; I have used gold medical/archival grade CDRs, many different CD & DVD burners, burned at true 1X to many X speeds, have used Mac, have used PC, have used EAC, Nero, Max, etc software, and have even isolated computer parts (CD burner, PSU, motherboard, HD) and have used several types of shielded & unshielded cables within the computer.

I have A/B the products with the originals to family and friends. Audiophile, non-auudiophiles, young and old.

The results thus far: #1. I have had a few improvements -- in 100% of such cases the original CDs were from small-time producers from local/regional bands. #2. I have come across 100% failure in besting a original CD produced by a national/international producer (Sony, MFSL, Rhino, etc). #3. I have experienced very poor results in matching national/internation producer quality.

My two cents from my idea that I could burn all my CDs onto hard drive and Squeeze Box + DAC to the main system. After this year long craze of experimenting, I'm continuing on with ole factory CD - I'm not convinced...
use EAC(exact audio copy). google this program, download and set it up properly with the drive you have on your pc. This will make bit for bit copies that sound exactly like the original.