Why People Like Tekton

I saw this You Tube clip yesterday and I really think this guy gave one of the most well-reasoned explanations of why some people gave up their hyper-detailed "audiophile" speakers for Tekton.  I've never heard them myself, but I think the same reasoning applies to many other brands like Harbeth, Spendor, Wharfdale, etc.  I personally feel the way he does, but I think he expressed it better than I would have.  Eventually, at some point in the journey, you may get tired of listening to the singer's saliva and chairs creaking and just want to relax and hear music in a more natural manner.and not with your ear 6" from the singer's mouth.  Or maybe you do.  Anyway - take a watch if you have the time.  And I'm guessing most of you do. 



So one may Upgrade from a cheap Ghetto Blaster to one with multiple tweeters  that sound all over the place … Cool   

Answered easily - they offer good value for the money (at least the pair I heard at AXPONA a few years back).

Are they the last word in fidelity? No, but they certainly weren't bad. 

Do they have a family 'sound' characteristic? I don't know since they seem to have way too many models and I've not heard them. But, it does look like many share the same drivers so I imagine there is some common sound element.

Would I buy them? Nope. I found the sound to be somewhat 'generic'.

We all put way too much emphasis on equipment!  A great recording can sound awesome on just about any decent equipment and speakers. A crappy one sounds crappy on everything and maybe more crappy on highly revealing speakers.

I had a pair of Tekton Impact Monitors. They are everything that the manufacturer states. I function-forward design using a unique approach to multi-driver arrays. I don't understand what people are talking about when they say that the build quality is crap. I completely disagree. The basic box is the intension. Mine were very nicely built. Any resonances that the cabinet did have, were engineered to be outside the range that would affect the sound. 


They perfectly matched a custom paint color from the Benjamin Moore catalog... on a one-off order. For like $50 or something. A very good value. You can argue about whether the sound is right for you or not. Every speaker at every price point is subject to the same. But I don't think it's fair (from my experience) to say that there is some hoax going on or that Tekton's customers are being duped. Tekton - or at least the 7-driver array - is flavor. Some will like it and some will not. BTW, I did not find the Impact Monitors to be overly bright or analytical.