Magneplanar 3.7 - recommended preamp and amp

I've owned the 3.6 speakers years ago and really enjoyed them. I want to buy the 3.7s and also need electronics. I have a budget constraint of 4-5k for a solid state preamp and amp. I'm okay buying 2nd hand. For those who own Magneplanars can you recommend gear within my price range? My room size is 16 x 21 and I don't listen loudly. I thought even an integrated amp might work (like the Moon i7). I'd appreciate hearing some ideas.

I'm hesitant to add this because it's at the high end of your budged, but people have been raving about the Sanders Magtech. I don't think I've ever seen so many glowing reviews. It's the one I would want to try.
If you still haven't made a decision, please contact me on a Parasound JC1/JC2 option.
If you're selling a pair of JC1 and a JC2 for $4K - $5K, you need to get in touch with me!
Maggies sound quite good with tubes and if you can get a tube amp with enough power you will like it a lot. However tube power is expensive and you do need some power so you may have to go with transistors. For that I recommend a Pass Labs.

But the preamp is a different matter and for that go with tubes (your Maggies and your ears will thank you). If your amplifier has a balanced input, get a preamp that is also balanced, as that will reduce the effect of the interconnect cables. In my system I have 30 foot runs of Mogami Neglex, which is relatively inexpensive (about $200 for the pair).
"For that I recommend a Pass Labs" Why do you recommend Pass specifically? X or XA-series?